V Capacita PET certificates

V Capacita PET certificates

Through this, the PET Pesca group of the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia – UFRA informs the participants of the IV Capacita Pet held on September 24 and 25, 2020 that the certificates are now available in full on the group’s...

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II- Enables PET

II- Enables PET

II- Enables PET: Basic principles of aquaponics systems: The I-Capacita PET was really a success and had the presence of several academics from different institutions and areas of study. Knowing this, UFRA’s PET Pesca Group invites you to...

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PET Fishing Calendar 2020

PET Fishing Calendar 2020

The PET Pesca group presents its activities and their respective dates, through its calendar that corresponds to the year 2020: February: PET in schools: Date: February 12, 2020 (and others to be agreed with the schools) March: I. Leveling for...

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Petiana of the month of February

Petiana of the month of February

  Congratulations Cássia Bruna Pinheiro Vieitas! You were chosen today as Petiana of the month of February 2020, as you are always present in the activities of PET Pesca, always willing to help. You are one of the most active petians within our...

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Selection of three petians

Selection of three petians

Through this, the PET Pesca group publishes the public notice for the selection of new petianos. In this public notice, up to three (3) petianos will be selected in the non-scholarship modality. Candidates awarded the vacancies may become...

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III- capacitates Pet

III- capacitates Pet

III- Enables PET: Rstudio beyond statistics: processing of satellite images in R language. The I-Capacita PET and the II-Capacita PET were very successful and could count on the presence of several academics from different institutions and areas...

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2019 annual planning

2019 annual planning

The PET Pesca group makes its 2019 annual plan public, which can be accessed here: https://pesca.pet/planejamento/, developing the following teaching, research and extension projects, under the guidance of tutor Marko Herrmann : –...

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Approval of inscriptions

Approval of inscriptions

PET Pesca, through this, makes public the approval of registrations of students interested in participating in the selection process offered by the Edital N° 01/2022/PET PESCA/UFRA. Students: Camilly Pereira Duarte (1° Semestre) Danielly Beltrão...

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We are looking for new members

We are looking for new members

The PET Pesca group publishes the public notice for the selection of new petianos. In this public notice, up to four (4) petians will be selected in the non-scholarship modality. Candidates awarded the vacancies may become scholarship holders...

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Credit line for artisanal fishermen

Credit line for artisanal fishermen

In the early 1980s, Banco Nacional de Crédito Cooperativo-BNCC, through the Artisanal Fisheries Program-PROPESCA financed a series of improvements for COOPESCAPE such as an ice factory, a cold room, a room for processing fish, and working capital...

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