Fisheries Institute Bulletin

Fisheries Institute Bulletin

The Fishing Institute Bulletin is the open access scientific journal. Published since 1971, the Bulletin is the first scientific journal focused on the areas of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Limnology in Brazil and provides a historical overview of...

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Guerra da lagosta

Guerra da lagosta

Este acontecimento ocorreu entre os Governos do Brasil e da França e esteve ligado a captura ilegal de lagostas, por parte de embarcações de pesca francesas, em águas territoriais no litoral do Nordeste brasileiro no ano de 1964.

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Foundation of SUDEPE

Foundation of SUDEPE

SUDEPE is a Federal autarchy under the Ministry of Agriculture, its foundation took place on September 12, 1962, decreed by the then President of the Republic Joao Goulart and it was responsible for preparing the National plan for the development...

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