Creation of AEP-PA / AP

Creation of AEP-PA / AP

Association of Fisheries Engineers of the States of Pará and Amapá – AEP-PA / AP was founded and legalized in 1985 having as its first elected president the Fishing Engineer Itálo José Araruna Vieira (in memorian) who chaired the AEP-PA /...

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Fim da pesca da baleia

Fim da pesca da baleia

Preocupados com a possível extinção prematura desses grandes animais marinhos, os governos definiram que a partir de 1985 haveria a suspensão da caça de Baleias com fins comerciais, isso somente foi possível através da assinatura de um acordo...

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Creation of the Abrolhos Marine Park

Creation of the Abrolhos Marine Park

First National Marine Park created in Brazil in April 1983, Abrolhos represents a milestone for marine conservation in the country. Since then, 87,943 hectares of the Conservation Unit have helped to protect the region with the greatest marine...

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Creation of FAEP-BR

Creation of FAEP-BR

The National Federation of Fisheries Engineers of Brazil, named by the acronym FAEP-BR, was founded on June 26, 1979 and is the highest representative entity of the class of Fisheries Engineers of Brazil, constituted for the purposes of...

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