Integration meeting

Integration meeting

The PET Fishery appreciates the presence of all the representatives of the UFRA PET Groups that participated in the meeting, since the integration between the various courses will serve to develop activities and projects, demonstrating that it is...

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II INTERPESCA held successfully

II INTERPESCA held successfully

  Between the days 9 and 10 of December of 2017 was realized in the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia the II INTERPESCA, a sports event that aims to provide students, former students, servers, teachers and employees of Universidade...

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Freshman Reception 2017

Freshman Reception 2017

From May 31 to June 2, 2017, the PET Pesca Group held the 2017 Fishing Engineering Freshman Training. This event, held at Fazenda Escola de Castanhal, shows a broader view of the course, involving planned activities and carried out by the members...

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The Fishing Engineering PET Group held on October 14 and 17 the I Interpesca at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon. We congratulated all the athletes who participated in the event and who used the tools: companionship and leisure in a...

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