The rupture of the Vale dam (Brazilian multinational mining company) in Brumadinho, in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, in Minas Gerais, caused a great avalanche of iron ore tailings, in the early afternoon of January 25, 2019.
SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY JOINING FORCES TO MEET THE GROWING DEMAND FOR AQUATIC PRODUCTS is the subject of the event that took place in Natal (RN), from 13 to 16 November 2018.
Read moreII JAEP
The II Academic Journey of Fisheries Engineering took place on the 5th to the 8th of November 2018, addressing the theme “fishing engineering and its interfaces: cultivation, capture, industrialization and technological innovation”.
Read moreVIII Aquacience
Between the 17th and 21st of September 2018 in Natal, RN, the 8th edition of the Congress of the Brazilian Society of Aquaculture and Aquatic Biology, the VIII Aquaciência, took place. The proposal to take a look at innovation in aquaculture in...
Read morePET pra Sair 2018
PET pra Sair 2018 PET pra Sair 2018 Event Completed Successfully PET pra Sair 2018 PET pra Sair 2018 Organizing committee PET pra Sair 2018 Annotations of activity points PET pra Sair 2018 Treasure Hunt Lecture PET pra Sair 2018 PET pra Sair 2018...
Read more2018 Holiday Training
The PET Pesca group carries out several activities and projects, one of them is the 2018 Holiday Training which takes place in July, offering lectures and mini courses aimed at our area of practice, aiming at the application of the theoretical...
Read moreLeakage of tailings from the aluminum producer Hydro in Barcarena-PA
A red sludge, resulting from the chemical washing of bauxite for the production of alumina at the Hydro Alunorte refinery, flooded riverside and quilombola communities, contaminating rivers, streams and artesian wells between February 16 and 17...
Read moreIVX National Shrimp Fair (FENACAM)
At the IVX National Shrimp Fair there was the XIV INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF CARCINICULTURE and the XI INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF AQUACULTURE. With 58 speakers, of which 36 are international and 22 Brazilian specialists, 1,472 participants, 3,670...
Read moreXX Brazilian Congress of Fisheries Engineering
The XX Brazilian Congress of Fisheries Engineering (CONBEP) was held from October 8 to 11, 2017, at the Events Center of the Associação Catarinense de Medicina, in Florianópolis, SC. The chosen theme – Engineering: Technology and Innovation...
Read moreI JAEP
The 1st Academic Journey of Fisheries Engineering took place from June 19 to 22, 2017, addressing the theme “fishing engineering in the economic and social context of a multidisciplinary professional in the northern region of Brazil”.
Read moreNew logo announcement – PET Pesca UFRA
We modernized and updated our logo. It was decided at the group meeting on March 31, 2017.
Read moreFisheries Engineering – IFPA Castanhal
The Fisheries Engineering course – IFPA campus castanhal started in the first academic year of 2017, with the offer of 40 places for admission in just one class at a time, each year. With a total workload of 4,250 hours, with curricular...
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