PET Pesca, through this, makes public the approval of the registrations of students interested in participating in the selection process offered by the public notice 01/2020
Read moreAcademic Performance Assessment
During the 2021.1 semester, the PET Pesca group carried out analyzes of the Academic Income Index (IRA) data, in order to evaluate the academic performance of Petians, since this performance is one of the parameters valued by the Program to...
Read moreDivulga Pesca – About the Course
Fisheries Engineering: in the bachelor’s degree, the course will cover the areas of Aquaculture, Fisheries Technology, Fish Technology and will be taught with 57 disciplines lasting 5 years. Fishing Engineering uses tools from different...
Read moreBamboo tank crafting course successfully completed!
During the 52nd EXPOFAC, the PET Pesca group gave a mini practical course on the elaboration of tanks using a low-cost material as raw material. The course was given by Petiana Rafaela Horst with the help of the other members of the group...
Read moreDiscloses Fishing – SISU 2022
Hello, future students! The Federal Rural University of the Amazon (Ufra) is offering 2,240 vacancies for those interested in joining the institution in 2022. Enrollment takes place from February 15th to 18th, through the Sisu website, the...
Read moreBest petiano of the semester 2021.1
We congratulate the student João Victor Morais Valente of the undergraduate course in Fisheries Engineering from the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA) as the best petiano in our group, reaching the Academic Performance Index (IRA) of...
Read moreCredit line for artisanal fishermen
In the early 1980s, Banco Nacional de Crédito Cooperativo-BNCC, through the Artisanal Fisheries Program-PROPESCA financed a series of improvements for COOPESCAPE such as an ice factory, a cold room, a room for processing fish, and working capital...
Read moreXVI National Shrimp Fair (FENACAM)
The XVI National Shrimp Fair (FENACAM) took place in November 2019 in Rio Grande do Norte, between the 12th and the 15th. In a new location, at the Natal Convention Center, the show grows and gains space to receive more visitors and exhibitors ...
Read moreXXI Brazilian Congress of Fisheries Engineering
The National Federation of Fisheries Engineers of Brazil – FAEP-BR held jointly with the Brazilian Association of Fisheries Engineering – ABEP, the Association of Fisheries Engineers of the State of Amazonas and the other State...
Read moreIII JAEP
The III Academic Day of Fisheries Engineering took place on 02, 03 and 04 September 2019, addressing the theme “entrepreneurship, fishing, communities and aquaculture (which technological innovation can enhance aquaculture enterprises).
Read moreOil spill on the Northeast and Southeast coast of Brazil
A crude oil spill reached over 2,000 kilometers off the coast of the Northeast and Southeast regions of Brazil, causing immeasurable damage to the environment. The first records of the stroke occurred at the end of August 2019.
Read moreVacation Training 2019
DSC_0095 Biometria. DSC_0089 Participante em momento de biometria no treinamento de ferias oferecido pelo grupo PET Pesca na FEC. DSC_0083 Petiana Cibele Oeiras em biometria DSC_0073 DSC_0062 Biometria feita pelo responsável administrativo da FEC...
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