With great pleasure, we present to everyone the new project developed by PET Pesca UFRA, Divulga Pesca. This project was born from the need to publicize the Fishing Engineering course, its areas of activity and places to study it. The main objective is to reach possible new students, in addition to contributing to those who are already studying this degree, in addition to valuing our profession through scientific dissemination and interaction with the community in a simple way that enables informal and scientific communication.
Through this, the PET Pesca group of the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia - UFRA informs the participants of the Divulga Pesca held on April 5th and 6th, 2021 that the certificates are now available in full on the group's website.
The certificates are divided between participation and organization. To access the certificates, just go to the folder in the file manager available through this link.
7. March 2022
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