V PET Capacity

V PET Capacity

The Capacita Project is being very successful to count on the presence of several PET and can be from areas of different Institutions. With this, PET Pesca from the Federal Rural University of the Amazon comes to participate in the Thurs and last...

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2019 annual planning

2019 annual planning

The PET Pesca group makes its 2019 annual plan public, which can be accessed here: https://pesca.pet/planejamento/, developing the following teaching, research and extension projects, under the guidance of tutor Marko Herrmann : –...

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Defense of TCC – Cibele

Defense of TCC – Cibele

On the 12th of November 2020, the Petiana Cibele Cristina Oeiras Freire carried out, before the evaluation committee composed by the Teacher Rosália Furtado Cutrim and the Teacher Fábio Sterzelecki, your course conclusion work entitled...

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graduation of Petianos

graduation of Petianos

On January 29, 2020, the petianas Hana Carolina Saleira Pinho e Cibele Cristina Oeiras Freire and the petianos Luiz Fernando Gomes dos Passos and Valdo Sena Abreu graduated from the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia acquiring a...

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Internship at Arapaima Brasil

Internship at Arapaima Brasil

  The members of the PET Pesca group Felipe Junior, Nilo Neto and Pablo Jastes, volunteered to do an internship at Project Arapaima Import. Export. Ltda. Where two experimental works are being developed whose titles are:  “Nutrition...

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PET Pesca in the PIBIC commission

PET Pesca in the PIBIC commission

From the 4th to the 9th of November, the III Integration Seminar and XVII Scientific Initiation Seminar at UFRA which are joint events with the proposal of dissemination and integration of research groups from the Federal Rural University of the...

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PET Pesca present at CONBEP

PET Pesca present at CONBEP

Today our petiano Pablo Costa Jastes Alves represented our PET Pesca group in XXI Brazilian Congress of Fisheries Engineering (CONBEP), that took place in the city of Manaus/AM, presenting the works entitled: Reproductive aspects of L076 Orange...

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Final result of 7. Selection

Final result of 7. Selection

The group PET Pesca – Tutorial Education Program in Fisheries Engineering, apost selection process finalized by the Evaluation Committee, composed of the members of the examining board Teacher Dr. Genylton Odilon Rêgo da Rocha (1° Examiner)...

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