O grupo PET Pesca da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, vem por meio deste convida-los para uma reunião no dia 02 de março as 12:00 horas, com o objetivo de proporcionar possíveis parcerias na construção de uma atividade. Dentre as...
Read moreII INTERPESCA held successfully
Between the days 9 and 10 of December of 2017 was realized in the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia the II INTERPESCA, a sports event that aims to provide students, former students, servers, teachers and employees of Universidade...
Read moreFinal result of the 3. Selection
The PET Pesca group – Tutorial Education Program in Fisheries Engineering, after selection process finalized by the Evaluation Committee, composed of the members of the examining board Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Marko Herrmann (President), Prof...
Read moreParticipation in the Integration Seminar
The PET Pesca group participated very successfully in the 1st UFRA Integration Seminar, in which our group was represented by the speakers Taiana Amanda Fonseca dos Passos (active petiana) and Jeandria Freire (petiana egress). The...
Read moreScientific Researches
Scientific research projectsScientific researches of PET Fishery
Read morePET Pesca at Schools
The PET Pesca group started on August 31st 2017 the stage of visiting schools. The Virgílio Libonati public school, located in the neighborhood of Terra Firme was the first school to be included in the project called “PET Pesca em...
Read moreSubmission of ESO and TCC plans
The submission of the work plans for the mandatory supervised internship and the course completion work is the beginning of graduation process, which is the moment to consolidate all theoretical learning, emphasizing its theme in a specific area...
Read moreApproval of inscriptions
The following applications were approved for the selection of non-scholarship holders for PET Pesca: Adriann Renato Flexa Beleza, Alexsandro Bruno Rodrigues Machado, Alexandro Monteiro de Jesus, Aline Teixeira e Sousa, Bárbara Janaina Vieira dos...
Read moreTeam PET Pesca
Freshman Reception 2017
From May 31 to June 2, 2017, the PET Pesca Group held the 2017 Fishing Engineering Freshman Training. This event, held at Fazenda Escola de Castanhal, shows a broader view of the course, involving planned activities and carried out by the members...
Read moreNew logo announcement – PET Pesca UFRA
We modernized and updated our logo. It was decided at the group meeting on March 31, 2017.
Read more2. Selection of 2017
The Fishing Engineering PET Group makes public the invitation for the selection of new non-fellows, do not miss this opportunity and participate. The registration period will be open until 16 June 2017. Below you can find the public call and the...
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