Creation of GESPE

Creation of GESPE

Through Decree No. 1,697, dated November 13, 1995, the Executive Group for the Fisheries Sector (GESPE) was created, with the objective of proposing the National Policy on Fisheries and Agriculture to the Natural Resources Policy Chamber.

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Extinction of PESCART and SUDEPE

Extinction of PESCART and SUDEPE

In 1989 SUDEPE was extinguished, and the sector’s functions were transferred to the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources – IBAMA. In the interval between the 1990s and 2000, no significant policies...

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Creation of IBAMA

Creation of IBAMA

Law 7,735 was enacted, creating the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), integrating environmental management in the country on February 22, 1989.

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Creation of SEMAS

Creation of SEMAS

The State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainability (SEMAS) was created on May 11, 1988, by Law No. 5457, when it was then called the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Environment (SECTAM). The body was reorganized by Law No...

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Creation of AEP-PA / AP

Creation of AEP-PA / AP

Association of Fisheries Engineers of the States of Pará and Amapá – AEP-PA / AP was founded and legalized in 1985 having as its first elected president the Fishing Engineer Itálo José Araruna Vieira (in memorian) who chaired the AEP-PA /...

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