In 1999, the National Education Council, through Opinion nº740 / 99 authorized by MEC on 7/20/1999, approved the operation of the Undergraduate course in Fisheries Engineering with 30 vacancies in the entrance exam.
Read moreCreation of GESPE
Through Decree No. 1,697, dated November 13, 1995, the Executive Group for the Fisheries Sector (GESPE) was created, with the objective of proposing the National Policy on Fisheries and Agriculture to the Natural Resources Policy Chamber.
Read moreFounding of UFC Pesca PET
UFC Pesca PET was founded in 1994 and aims to develop teaching, research and extension activities with the academic community.
Read moreCreation of the Ministry of the Environment
The Ministry of the Environment (MMA), created in November 1992, has the mission of promoting the adoption of principles and strategies for knowledge, the protection and recovery of the environment, the sustainable use of natural resources, the...
Read moreRio 92 Conference (ECO 92)
Eco-92, United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development, was held in 1992, in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Read moreExtinction of PESCART and SUDEPE
In 1989 SUDEPE was extinguished, and the sector’s functions were transferred to the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources – IBAMA. In the interval between the 1990s and 2000, no significant policies...
Read more1st Fishing Engineering course in the Amazon
In 1988, the University Council of the former AU, today UFAM, approved the project presented by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, authored by Prof. Deusimar Freire Brasil, with the support of several fishing engineers affiliated to AEPA...
Read moreCreation of IBAMA
Law 7,735 was enacted, creating the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), integrating environmental management in the country on February 22, 1989.
Read moreFoundation of PET Pesca at UFRPE
The Tutorial Education Program for the Fishing Engineering (PET / Fishing) course at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco was created in 1988, being the first PET founded at UFRPE.
Read moreCreation of SEMAS
The State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainability (SEMAS) was created on May 11, 1988, by Law No. 5457, when it was then called the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Environment (SECTAM). The body was reorganized by Law No...
Read moreCreation of AEP-PA / AP
Association of Fisheries Engineers of the States of Pará and Amapá – AEP-PA / AP was founded and legalized in 1985 having as its first elected president the Fishing Engineer Itálo José Araruna Vieira (in memorian) who chaired the AEP-PA /...
Read moreCreation of the Tucuruí dam, Pará
The Tucuruí hydroelectric plant was designed according to the strategies established by the Federal Government’s policy for the development of the North region, starting in the 1960s in search of the region’s economic growth. Its...
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