Credit line for artisanal fishermen

Credit line for artisanal fishermen

In the early 1980s, Banco Nacional de Crédito Cooperativo-BNCC, through the Artisanal Fisheries Program-PROPESCA financed a series of improvements for COOPESCAPE such as an ice factory, a cold room, a room for processing fish, and working capital...

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Conference Rio+20

Conference Rio+20

The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCEDS), also known as Rio + 20, was a conference held in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, whose objective was to discuss the renewal of the political commitment to sustainable...

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Fishing engineering – UFOPA

Fishing engineering – UFOPA

The Fisheries Engineering course – UFOPA- Santarém started on 03/01/2011 with the offer of 100 vacancies / year for classes from 2011, 2012, and 2013 and 40 vacancies / year from 2014 onwards. With a total workload of 4,270 hours, with...

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Foundation of PET Pesca at UFRA

Foundation of PET Pesca at UFRA

The PET Pesca group at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA) was founded on December 10, 2010, with Professor Lauro Satoru Itó as the first tutor. Since then, it develops activities that include the teaching, research and extension...

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