The members of the PET Pesca group Felipe Junior, Nilo Neto and Pablo Jastes, volunteered to do an internship at Project Arapaima Import. Export. Ltda. Where two experimental works are being developed whose titles are: “Nutrition...
Read moreIV INTERPESCA – succssesfully done
The PET Pesca group thanks all those who participated in the IV INTERPESCA, ccollaborating with the real objective of the event: integration of students, teachers, technicians and outsourced workers, in general all those who have a link with our...
Read morePET Pesca in the PIBIC commission
From the 4th to the 9th of November, the III Integration Seminar and XVII Scientific Initiation Seminar at UFRA which are joint events with the proposal of dissemination and integration of research groups from the Federal Rural University of the...
Read morePET Pesca present at CONBEP
Today our petiano Pablo Costa Jastes Alves represented our PET Pesca group in XXI Brazilian Congress of Fisheries Engineering (CONBEP), that took place in the city of Manaus/AM, presenting the works entitled: Reproductive aspects of L076 Orange...
Read morePETSSOMA certificates
Teaching project certificates are now available “PETSSOMA” for the academic semester of 2019.1. Access the link and download your certificate:
Read moreFinal result of 7. Selection
The group PET Pesca – Tutorial Education Program in Fisheries Engineering, apost selection process finalized by the Evaluation Committee, composed of the members of the examining board Teacher Dr. Genylton Odilon Rêgo da Rocha (1° Examiner)...
Read moreIV INTERPESCA – Open for subscriptions!
Through this, the PET Pesca group is pleased to invite the internal and external academic community to participate in the IV Interpesca, a sporting event that we promote in order to encourage the practice of sports, integration and leisure...
Read moreHomologation of registrations
The PET Pesca, by means of this, make public the homologation of the registrations of students interested in participating in the selection process offered by the Edital No 02/2019/PET PESCA/UFRA. Students: span style=”color...
Read moreVIII Capacita PET certificates
Through this, the PET Pesca group of the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia – UFRA informs the participants of the VIII Capacita Pet held on November 10, 2021 that the certificates are now available in full on the group’s website...
Read moreVIII Enables PET
On November 10, 2021, the PET Pesca group carried out the project trains PET with the course entitled “Using fish processing” taught by Petiana Rafaela Horst, in partnership with the company Aquaplus consultancy and trade in...
Read moreEXPOFAC 2021
During the 6th to the 14th of November 2021, the PET fishing group together with the Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory- LAQTROP of the Federal Rural University of Amazônia-UFRA, were participating in the 52nd Exhibition and Agricultural Fair of...
Read moreAcademic Performance Assessment
During the 2021.1 semester, the PET Pesca group carried out analyzes of the Academic Income Index (IRA) data, in order to evaluate the academic performance of Petians, since this performance is one of the parameters valued by the Program to...
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