The group of students and professors of Northern Michigan University-NMU had the opportunity to know the facilities and infrastructure of the Fazenda Escola de Castanhal, accompanied by the PET-PESCA group of Ufra, from 04 to 11 March 2017, thus...
Read more1. Selection of 2017: Final Result
We are representing the result of the selection process for the fellows and non-fellows of the group. Cibele Cristina Oeiras Freire and Valdo Sena Abreu were selcted each for a scholarship and Hana Carolina Saleira Pinto as Voluntary. The Fishing...
Read moreFisheries Engineering – IFPA Castanhal
The Fisheries Engineering course – IFPA campus castanhal started in the first academic year of 2017, with the offer of 40 places for admission in just one class at a time, each year. With a total workload of 4,250 hours, with curricular...
Read more1. Selection of 2017
The Fishing Engineering PET Group makes public the Invitation for the selection of new fellows and non-fellows, do not miss this opportunity and participate. The registration period will take place from January 24 to 31, 2017. Below you can find...
Read moreXIII National Shrimp Fair (FENACAM)
The event that took place in Fortaleza (CE), from November 21st to 24th, 2016, repeats the previous theme: SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY JOINING FORCES TO MEET THE GROWING DEMAND FOR AQUATIC PRODUCTS. It reaches a large audience. 24 speakers, 18...
The Fishing Engineering PET Group held on October 14 and 17 the I Interpesca at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon. We congratulated all the athletes who participated in the event and who used the tools: companionship and leisure in a...
Read moreTechnical visit to DNOCS
The Fishing Engineering PET Group in partnership with ACEEP Jr. had the opportunity to participate in the continental aquaculture course, realized by the Aquaculture Research Center “Rodolpho Von Ihering” – DNOCS em Pentecoste/CE. In the period...
Read moreVII Aquacience
Aquaciência 2016, the seventh congress of Aquabio – Brazilian Society of Aquaculture and Aquatic Biology, took place between August 1st and 5th in Belo Horizonte, MG. And it was a success, thanks to the personal involvement of professors...
Read moreGanhou bolsa de intercâmbio
Parabéns ao membro do nosso grupo PET Pesca, Taiana Amanda Fonseca dos Passos, que construiu uma ponte entre nosso grupo e o grupo de pesquisa de Ecologia Marinha da Faculdade de Ciências Exatas, Físicas e Naturais da Universidade Nacional de...
Read moreNewcomers Week 2016
The newcomers week, organized by fishing engineering PET Group took place from 06 to 10 June 2016.
Read moreXII National Shrimp Fair (FENACAM)
The XII National Shrimp Fair discusses SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY JOINING FORCES TO MEET THE GROWING DEMAND FOR AQUATIC PRODUCTS. With 1,600 participants, 5,140 visitors and 33 speakers, 25 international and 8 national. Also in Fortaleza (CE), November...
Read moreBreaking of the Samarco dam in Mariana-MG
A mining tailings dam called “Fundão”, controlled by Samarco Mineração S.A in Mariana, broke on the afternoon of November 5, 2015 in the sub-district of Bento Rodrigues, 35 km from the center of the Brazilian municipality of Mariana...
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