Among the works, tests and other means by which a student is evaluated during their graduation, the course conclusion work (TCC) is considered the one that requires more dedication and commitment. The student, guided by a professor, focuses on the research for a few months based on guiding questions, justifications and objectives.
On March 2, 2018, Petiano Alyson Carvalho , defended his TCC, with the work entitled “Adequacy of the tambaqui cultivation system Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1816) at Fazenda Manaceis in the municipality of Concódia do Pará” through from the guidance of Prof. Dr. Breno Bezerra, with an excellent concept. In his work, he dealt with several aspects of fish farming in the state of Pará.
The PET Pesca group congratulates Petiano and wishes his professional life to be watered with good things.
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