On the 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th of January 2022. Petians Cássia Vieitas, Rafaela Horst, Matheus Almeida, Lucas Mota, Lucas Martins and Felipe Jr participated in the practical class aboard the ship Sciences of the Sea II. The practical class is part of the discipline of Oceanographic Instrumentation with supervision of teachers Nuno Melo, Rosália Furtado and Ivan Furtado, it left Belém for the Amazon Continental Shelf. During the expedition, collections were carried out at 5 oceanographic stations from which activities of visual monitoring of megafauna, plankton and fish collection were carried out. More data were collected with the aid of equipment to verify depth, water temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and pH. The boarding experience allows students to develop environmental and fishing monitoring activities that will make them differentiated professionals.
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