PET Pesca recovers space

Today members of our PET Pesca group started to recover the public space in the Fishing Engineering building. Phase 1: Deep cleaning of the water source. -> done! Phase 2: Mowing grass around the water source. -> done! Phase 3: Dredging the...

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PLS meeting

PLS meeting

Today, the first meeting took place in the ISARH auditorium to reactivate the of Plan Logístics Sustainable (PLS) UFRA, integrating the PET groups, represented by Petians and tutors as well as by the interlocutor Nayara Mastub, with the direction...

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Due to the use of the facilities of the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia for ENEM and other events, the II INTERPESCA was postponed to December 9 and 10, 2017.   Go to the link and sign up:  

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The PET Pesca group makes public the public notice for the II Interpesca, which aims to provide students and ex-students, civil servants, professors and employees of the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia with the integration, improvement and...

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Selection of new petians

Selection of new petians

PET Pesca makes public the public notice for the third selection of 2017 new scholarship holders and non-scholarship holders for the group. Don’t miss this great opportunity and participate! It is now also possible to participate as a...

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Christmas get-together

Christmas get-together

The arrival of the end of the year is always a time to think a little about life, remember the wonders we have and also everything we will never do again. Whenever a new stage arrives, it needs to be celebrated, after all, we are gaining a new...

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XV CEU/UFMG Summer Camp

XV CEU/UFMG Summer Camp

From January 22 to 26, 2018, Petianas Aline Leão and Taiana Passos participated in the XV CEU/UFMG Holiday Camp, which in this edition had as its theme: Minas Gerais “Train that walks, Mundo that Gwrath”. The event took place at the School of...

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Defesa TCC – Alyson Carvalho

Defesa TCC – Alyson Carvalho

Among the works, tests and other means by which a student is evaluated during their graduation, the course conclusion work (TCC) is considered the one that requires more dedication and commitment. The student, guided by a professor, focuses on...

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Luiz Fernando Gomes dos Passos

Luiz Fernando Gomes dos Passos

Hello, my name is Luiz Gomes Pesca Engineer graduated from UFRA and a member of the PET Pesca group, a group that I joined in 2017 and, the experience lived in the group, was extremely important, therefore, being able to develop and apply...

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Michel Martins Bandeira

Michel Martins Bandeira

I joined the Pet Pesca group in 2017, and my cycle within the group lasted almost 3 years. Being part of this program made me awaken my self-confidence, my spirit of leadership, face and overcome my fears, have more empathy, love what I do and...

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