II INTERPESCA held successfully

II INTERPESCA held successfully

  Between the days 9 and 10 of December of 2017 was realized in the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia the II INTERPESCA, a sports event that aims to provide students, former students, servers, teachers and employees of Universidade...

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Final result of the 3. Selection

Final result of the 3. Selection

The PET Pesca group – Tutorial Education Program in Fisheries Engineering, after selection process finalized by the Evaluation Committee, composed of the members of the examining board Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Marko Herrmann (President), Prof...

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Characterization of fish farming

Characterization of fish farming

Characterization of fish farming in the municipality of Concórdia do Pará – PA     Estudo que objetiva realizar o diagnóstico da piscicultura desenvolvida no município de Concórdia do Pará, além disso o trabalho irá apresentar o...

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Antarctic gastropod morphometry

Antarctic gastropod morphometry

Morphometric relationships of the gastropod Nacella concinna (Strebel, 1908) from King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula     O estudo tem como objetivo analisar as relações morfométricas do gastrópode Nacella concinna, da Ilha do Rei...

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Cultivation of limnic bivalves

Cultivation of limnic bivalves

Cultivo experimental de bivalves límnicos no rio Guamá, baía do Guajará, Pará, Amazônia Oriental     De acordo com dados históricos da Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura (FAO) a demanda da população por...

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Biodiversity of the ichthyofauna

Biodiversity of the ichthyofauna

Biodiversity of the ichthyofauna in the Praquiquara River watershed, Middle Apeú, Eastern Amazonia     Estudo realizado na Fazenda Escola de Castanhal – FEC da UFRA, que objetiva analisar a biodiversidade local verificando: ocorrência...

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PET Pesca at Schools

PET Pesca at Schools

The PET Pesca group started on August 31st 2017 the stage of visiting schools. The Virgílio Libonati public school, located in the neighborhood of Terra Firme was the first school to be included in the project called “PET Pesca em...

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Submission of ESO and TCC plans

Submission of ESO and TCC plans

The submission of the work plans for the mandatory supervised internship and the course completion work is the beginning of graduation process, which is the moment to consolidate all theoretical learning, emphasizing its theme in a specific area...

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