The Fishing Engineering PET Group held on October 14 and 17 the I Interpesca at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon. We congratulated all the athletes who participated in the event and who used the tools: companionship and leisure in a...

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Technical visit to DNOCS

Technical visit to DNOCS

The Fishing Engineering PET Group in partnership with ACEEP Jr. had the opportunity to participate in the continental aquaculture course, realized by the Aquaculture Research Center “Rodolpho Von Ihering” – DNOCS em Pentecoste/CE. In the period...

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VII Aquacience

VII Aquacience

Aquaciência 2016, the seventh congress of Aquabio – Brazilian Society of Aquaculture and Aquatic Biology, took place between August 1st and 5th in Belo Horizonte, MG. And it was a success, thanks to the personal involvement of professors...

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Ganhou bolsa de intercâmbio

Ganhou bolsa de intercâmbio

Parabéns ao membro do nosso grupo PET Pesca, Taiana Amanda Fonseca dos Passos, que construiu uma ponte entre nosso grupo e o grupo de pesquisa de Ecologia Marinha da Faculdade de Ciências Exatas, Físicas e Naturais da Universidade Nacional de...

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